Pioneer Meadows Home Owners Association
P.O. Box 3024, Palmer, AK 99645-3024 - (907) 357-1770 phone - (907) 357-1771 fax
Mgmt. Co.: Double Eagle Real Estate & Investments, Ltd.
Current office hours are from 10-4 on Monday thru Friday and 12-4 on Saturday.
We can also be reached through the Contact Us section at the bottom of this page.
Dues payments can be made online below or dropped in our secure drop box.

Pioneer Meadows Subdivision is located in beautiful Palmer, Alaska within the majestic Matanuska-Susitna Borough.
Welcome to Pioneer Meadows Subdivision's Web Site!
We've put our association online to provide you with more convenience and online services.
Our Members Only area is reserved for property owners. This area is your place to share ideas and information; get news and announcements; access important association documents and forms; and more.
We're excited about offering online association services and consider the service a valuable amenity for the association.
We hope you'll take advantage of this service. Your input and suggestions will be appreciated.
Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs)
CC&Rs variously regulate the usages and aesthetics of a neighborhood. In other words, they are created, and equitably enforced, to help communities remain well-maintained so that the investment you have in your home and property is protected. Understandably, CC&Rs require universal compliance among all home owners and residents.
When you purchase your home, you should receive a set of CC&Rs. They indicate what you can and cannot do with the property you own.
Your Board of Directors is elected to ensure compliance with the CC&Rs, regardless of whether or not a homeowner chooses to be an active member of the Homeowners Association. The Pioneer Meadows Home Owners' Association ensures compliance with the CC&Rs (including legal action, but only after all other avenues have been exhausted) for the following reasons:
To continually increase your property value
To ensure that the community does not decline in its appeal among both current homeowners as well as prospective future residents
To foster an environment of unity, harmony and cooperation among all residents
To deter crime by exhibiting a conscientious and involved community
To view the CC&Rs for Pioneer Meadows Subdivision, just click on the link below:
CC&Rs with Amendments (Last recorded Amendment 02/20/2003)
Resale Certificate
Per Alaska Statute, a Resale Certificate is required for properties for sale in our HOA. Click Here for More Information!

Payment Methods for Dues, Fines or Other Charges: (* = Most cost effective options.)
* Check * Money Order * Cash * Bill Pay through your bank
* Through your Resident Portal (Balances ARE available online. You are responsible for their processing fees.)
Debit/Credit through Zego (Powered by PayLease) (Balances NOT available online. You are responsible for their processing fees.)
As always, you are welcome to come in and pay in person - we love seeing you!
Consumer Confidence Report
The Consumer Confidence Report is an annual water quality report designed to inform you about the water quality and services delivered to the Pioneer Meadows Home Owner's Association members.
Most Recent Consumer Confidence Report for Pioneer Meadows Subdivision - PWSID # 227734
Important Numbers:
EPA's Safe Drinking Water Hotline - (800) 426-4791 -
Anchorage Well and Pump Service (AWPS) - (907) 745-0740 -
What TO DO if a mailbox lock or mailbox/parcel locker door is frozen.
1. Make sure the mailbox key is WARM and DRY before you put it into the mailbox lock.
• Warm your key over a vehicle heater vent.
• Warm your key in your dry pocket next to your body.
• Warm your key with a low intensity flame (match or cigarette lighter).
2. Warm the lock and then insert the key into the lock and gently try to turn the key:
• Cup your warm, dry hands around the frozen lock.
• Place a commercial hand warmer packet over the lock until it is unfrozen.
3. Spray an aerosol lock De-icer (at least 70% alcohol) into the lock. USPS recommends the product,“Lock Saver”. Other options include:
• Coat your key with a hand sanitizer (at least 70% Alcohol).
• Windshield De-icer can also be used instead of an aerosol lock De-icer spray.
4. If the mailbox door is frozen, gently bump around the edges of the door with your hand to crack the ice...then open the door.
Contact Us
Management Contacts:
Double Eagle Real Estate & Investments, Ltd.
(907) 357-1770 office or (907) 357-1771 fax
Uli Johnson, Manager -
Bridget McArthur, Licensed Assistant -
Mailbox Questions?
We'll connect you to the Mailbox Manager.